About Me
Pleased to meet you! I'm Naomi, a genuine traveler, wanderer and explorer from the Netherlands, with a special love for social media, photography, authenticity and affordable luxury. I like to keep it real, colorful and classy, while sharing my experiences in the most honest and authentic way!
Next to the fact that I have worked in fashion for over 18 years I have always had a huge passion for traveling, a natural lust for exploring, a heart for holidays and an eye for beautiful things which I love to capture on camera. Oh yeah and I love hats and a bit of luxury once in a while:)
At the age of 45 I have now visited 48 countries, the rest is still on my list!
I created this website because I love story telling, and wanted to connect with like minded people, while inspiring others. But mainly to share my passion for travel, beautiful products, stylish brands, unique accommodations & hotels and give real advice, based on my own experiences and honest opinion. I do this by sharing many of my own pictures in my blog posts with lots of travel tips where to go and what to see.
9 years ago I also started my own Online Marketing and PR company:
Authentic Chic Travel and Lifestyle - PR & Marketing
to help other freelancers, start-ups, unique brands and travel & lifestyle related companies grow online and offer consultancy to become more successful on social media and reach the right target group.
I love to help translate products and build brands:
Through social media strategies, Instagram consultancy, influencer marketing and (personal) branding via online and offline campaigns
In a unique way that characterizes you
Which will make you stand out from the crowd through personalization
Reach the right target group now and evolve into the new media landscape to reach future generations
And generate conversions through high engagement and real interaction
I currently have over a 230,000 followers on social media combined and love to help others become more successful on social media as well, with my social media tips of which I published several blogs already.
But in my opinion the secret to success is also the right implementation of these tips and working with a clear concept in mind, therefore I also developed workshops where I can help you with this in small groups with more guidance and 1 on 1 advice for your account. For more information take a look here:
And you can always contact me directly by mail:
But what do the words: Authentic & Chic mean exactly and why do I use them in my company and account name?:
original - veritable - bonafide
stunning - stylish - elegant
To me traveling authentic chic means that I like to travel in style, and always try to find authentic and unique spots around the world, while staying in elegant accommodations, which are comfortable, original and have a special story. Mostly luxurious, but also for the best value for money: affordable luxury.
A tricky combination, but nevertheless possible. You don’t have to be a backpacker to go off the beaten path! And you don’t have to stay in hostels or low budget accommodations while exploring your destination…
As I am curious by nature I always explore each country for their heritage and all the sights it has to offer. But after some years of backpacking I now prefer to do this in a comfortable way with a touch of luxury. And I love to share my tips and experiences on how to do this with like minded travellers.
If you're looking for unique accommodations, special destinations, classy brands, the best booking links, social media tips, and real life & travel inspiration. But also like to keep it chic, as well as authentic during your travels, then follow my blogs or social media accounts to learn all about finding the perfect traveling combination of authentic chicness.
You can connect with me on the following social media platforms:
Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Youtube
And for more information about my PR & Marketing company and the services I offer, find out more at: Work With Me